Basy by Pelsynera
Wenn Haare nicht das darstellen, was andere erwarten. Der Spanier Pelsynera liebt die Avantgarde und das Spiel mit Stoffen und Haar. In seiner neuesten Kollektion setzt er wieder auf ganz ungewöhnlich Haar-Stoff Kombinationen...
This is a fashion collection in which patterns of both clothes and hair refuse the predictable and expected.
Color, like textures, suddenly erupts, reproducing an impression and treating hair as a fabric. As a whole, the image seems woven between geometries and threads, confusing the origin and without making clear which color or cut came first.
Hair: Pelsynera @pelsynera
Photography: Oliver Viladoms @oliver_viladoms_studio
Retouche: Oliver Viladoms @oliver_viladoms_studio
MUA: Pelsynera @pelsynera
Styling: Laura García Baena @baenalauragarcia
Models: Marta Sierra @martasierra12 | Inma López @inmalopezinsta
Designer: Laura García Baena @baenalauragarcia