TISCI by Siobhan Haug
Ein Hauch von Romantik mit ungewöhnlichen Farbelementen in aufmerksamkeitsstarken Schnitt und Hochsteckkreationen. Hairdressing Award Gewinnerin Siobhan Haug zeigt Haarkreationen auf höchstem Niveau ...

“Tisci offers infinite layers of tone, romantic swirls of light and dark and textural colour that was inspired by unusual colour combinations. I love creating interesting movement with colour. Hair is a fascinating, transient canvas and colour is our paint to add beautiful, intricate details that capture attention. This is so important to me when creating a collection. Like a piece of art, different elements appeal to different people. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
Siobhan Haug, British Colour Technician of the Year
Hair: Siobhan Haug at TONI&GUY, London
Make-up: Monnie Kaur
Styling: Veronika Greenhill
Photographs: Kevin Luchmun
Siobhan Haug ist International Technical Director für TONI&GUY in London und Teil des TONI&GUY artistic team. Sie ist British Colour Technician of the Year der British Hairdressing Awards.